Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Drawing & Photoshop

I love drawing and I love toying around in photoshop, basically you have endless of options when it comes to drawing and photshop. It's amazing.
Drawing helps me put emotions and stories in to a picture. For me, it's much like my music but instead of your hearing senses being influenced, your eyes do.
I've always drawn, some periods more than others. But basically I've been drawing ever since I can remember.
Photoshop is something that I've added to my "To do" list recently. I enjoy coloring the drawings I've made within photoshop. Many always think that it has been done with colored pencils, whilst everything had been done in photoshop.
You might notice, as you glance at these drawings, that I enjoy playing games and they also inspire me a lot. Down here two games are shown: World of Warcraft and League of 

Here, I'll add a few pencil drawings and photoshop edits.

Photoshoots & Items

So, for a few songs I've done photoshoots and for these 'shoots' sometimes I've made some items to go with it, as in my last photoshoot which I had done for the song "Voyage" I made my own flowery dress and headcrown.
Each fake flower was sown on separately to the dress and it took a lot of time, I did this together with my wonderful grandmother since I'm not the best at sewing, but I'm still learning!
The headcrown took a few burn wounds, but nothing serious. The flowers were glued on with a glue-gun.
It was quite a hectic photoshoot, me and my friend went to our nearest forest, however, that day it was raining quite heavily and erratically, sometimes the rain would just suddenly stop, or suddenly pour down. We were lucky that at the end that the sun crawled from behind the clouds to bestow us prettier pictures!

Here are my four favorite pictures taken:

I also had a photoshoot inside instead of in the woods, which perhaps you might've seen this before. 
Actually, my mother had given me that shoot as a present. How very nice!
These pictures I've used for several things. Tracks, cover photos and such.
Here are are four of my favorites:

Mythical Lyrics

Dear readers,

I suppose sometimes many of you wonder what lyrcis are actually about, in general but also my own written lyrics.
I thought it would be nice to unveil a fragment of my "Mythical" display and give you a peek behind my mask, unravelling the stories behind the lyrics that I've written.

Some of my lyrics aren't actually based on stories that I've lived myself, but sometimes I ask of the producer to indulge me in their inspiration for the song. If they don't have a specific inspiration, usually I will write my own stories or a fictional one. Yet, even though sometimes the lyrics are written for another person, their emotion, a portion of mine will always remain within the lyrics.

Alright, without further rambling, I'll explain my lyrics. ( Sometimes just partially ) from beginning to end. From my first song, till the last.

We Are - Veela ft Myth
This song is quite a delicate subject for me. At the time, I was dating a guy who was like an addictive poison to me. As Gotye brilliantly explained "You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness".
I think the lyrics in itself explain well enough how I felt at the time. I felt distant from him, no matter how hard I tried to dare closer. Disappointed because once he was worth oh so much. I was quite sad at the time.

Link to this song

Land Of The Unkown - Bustre ft Myth
This song isn't written on a specific emotion but more an image, an experience.
It was written solely about dreams and the endless options that lay before you in this hazy world.

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Say Stay - Qduction ft Myth
This is the first one that wasn't written from my own inspiration. Me and Qduction got together and I asked him multiple questions. I asked of him what inspired him, and also if he could give me details on this situation. I'm sure, if you've heard the lyrics you've gotten a picture of what he was trying to say. I think it's amazing he dared to share his story with me, and the world. I thank him for it loads.

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Tinted Goggles - Gregcooke ft Myth
Once more, my fragile heart was portrayed in this song. I was at a point that I was asking myself many questions, I was confused and had many thoughts lingering on my mind.
Also, an interesting note about this song is that I wrote it in two seperate days. One day, I was questioning and a little chaotic. Whilst the other day, I felt more sure of myself and the situation and thus on the second part, there is an answer to the first.

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Angel Whisperer - Rameses B ft Myth
Vocal samples of "Say stay - Qduction ft Myth" were used.

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Voyage - Monroe ft Myth
This song was written about a fictional story I came up with together with my lovely friend: Adrian. We sat down together and one after the other came up with a small portion of the story. Finally we had a complete story and I wrote further on that. It was supposed to be "fairytale" inspired. Naturally, some of my own emotions were meshed in to the lyrics.

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Deity - Cyaneyed ft MythThis specific song was dedicated to a dear friend of mine, a friend who inspired me to follow my dreams and actually attempt at singing for others. Before Myth, I was always scared to sing in front of others, I had self-confidence issues and so I never did. Often I found myself singing to myself while walking on the streets and abruptly stopping when I noticed someone was near me, quite silly.Until that faithful day that I took a chance, and it turned out well!

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One last time - Bustre ft Myth

With this one I focused once more on another person rather than myself.
These lyrics portrayed how he felt at the time. He was going on a road trip with his friends, and he knew, because they were going their separate ways, that it would be the last time. Obviously, he felt quite down about this.

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Parallel - KoPi ft Myth

Parallel universes, that's what this song is about. The power to dream and believe in the things you want to achieve, love, loss and wondering. There is not much more to this song.
To me, the lyrics to this song are precious.

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Burning the inside - Tupla ft Myth

Images fuelled the lyrics for this song. When I first heard the instrumental, I immediately fell in love. Images crawled in to my mind, and I tried to put them to words and well as I could.
To me, the images told a story of a woman who had lost her husband, through a breakup, or death.. I don't know which one it would be.
The beauty of this song is that it can be interoperated in many different ways, I suppose the listener can decide for themselves.

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